New Ideas for Your Old, Brown Nanners

Overripe or brown bananas might look a little ugly. But don’t throw them out just yet! Bananas are still valuable when they get a little too ripe, as they can be used in a variety of ways from cooking and baking to personal care and gardening.

Those long, yellow wonders

Besides banana bread, you can do a lot. Here are ten new uses for your old nanners:

  1. BBQ ripe bananas wrapped in foil with butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt. Grill for 15-20 min and serve as a warm and sweet dessert. This recipe is easy to make and has a delicious combination of flavors, the sweetness of the brown sugar and cinnamon, the creaminess of the butter, and the natural sweetness of the ripe banana all come together to make a mouthwatering treat.
  2. Banana foot soak: Mix together a mashed ripe banana, a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey. Soak your feet for 15 minutes. This soak can help soften and moisturize your feet.
  3. Freeze them: Peel the bananas and cut them into slices before freezing. Frozen banana slices can be used in smoothies, milkshakes, or as a healthy alternative to ice cream.
  4. Bake banana muffins: Make banana muffins by mixing mashed bananas with flour, sugar, and eggs. You can also add nuts, chocolate chips, or other ingredients for added flavor.
  5. Make banana ice cream: Blend frozen banana slices in a food processor until they become creamy. You can add other ingredients such as peanut butter or chocolate for added flavor.
  6. Make banana pancakes: Mix mashed bananas with flour, sugar, eggs, and milk to make pancakes.
  7. Make banana sauce: Mash overripe bananas and mix with a little bit of sugar and lemon juice to make a sweet sauce that can be used as a topping for pancakes, waffles or ice cream.
  8. Dry them: Peel the bananas and slice them thinly. Dry the slices in a dehydrator or low oven until they are crispy. These dried banana chips can be eaten as a snack or used in baking.
  9. Compost them: If you have a compost pile, you can add overripe bananas to it. They will break down and provide valuable nutrients to the soil.
  10. Banana hair mask: Mash a ripe banana in a bowl and mix in a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo as usual. This mask can help moisturize and strengthen your hair.

 Creativity is key

In general, using old food for new purposes is a great way to reduce waste and save money. There are many creative ways to use leftovers and ingredients that are about to go bad. Bananas are a great start!

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